
Welcome to my website!  

Here I am sharing with you some of the mixed "harvest" that I have been able to bring in from the "field" of my life as a linguist, Bible translator and Christian believer. Look here for Politeness in Language: The Case of Interrogatives.

Apart from English, there are also "fruits" in German and French to be enjoyed. If you speak either of these languages, why not switch there by moving to the top right and click on the language of your choice?

In the menu column on the left you see an overview of the various kinds of fruit that have grown in different parts of my life's field. 

Among the fruits that have grown in the area of linguistics, quite a few deal with two local languages in Côte d'Ivoire, a francophone country in West Africa. 

Besides linguistics, fruits have also grown in related areas, such as communication, literacy, and Bible translation. They are not only for the "experts", but can be enjoyed by anyone interested in the topic in question. 

At a more personal level, I am also sharing some thoughts that I have expressed over the years in various ways about 'God and the world'. They reveal of course my understanding of the Bible and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - the best message ever given to this world! -, but also at times my linguistic stance...

At the moment, most fruit of the latter type has "grown" in German, although I have started translating some into English. In the process, I have discovered a free translation software that really surprised me by the good results it yielded! So here is what I'd like to suggest to you: Why not go to the German site and have a text that interests you translated into English for you by artificial intelligence? I'm sure you'll be surprised by the results, too!  

Wishing you a stimulating time on this site

Inge Egner

P.S. Do come back if you like, the harvest is still going on...

